Spokane, Washington
Spokane, Washington

Spokane, Washington

Pre-born Wall
We are in the planning stages for a Pre-born Memorial located in Spokane. It will be a memorial for any miscarried or aborted baby, not necessarily just from Spokane.

The area will be in the shape of a womb, and the memorial itself will be in the shape of a pre-born baby. The entrance will have a bench, and there will be an umbilical cord tile walkway leading into the memorial which will appear to be water.

Some land has been donated by Catholic Charities at Queen of Peace Cemetery by Immaculate Heart Retreat Center. Commitments have already been made for some of the material and equiptment needed to complete the project, however, we are still a long way from having the funds to break ground.

If you, or anyone you know, would be interested in donating to this cause, please contact:

Fr. Kenny St. Hilaire
(509) 647-2380